Doug Foresta Interviews Author Sara F. Hathaway about Conquering Fears.
Hear the interview on Empowerment Radio;
Recently I was hosted by Doug Foresta on his Podcast, Creating Change. He asked me to speak about fear and ways both my characters and myself conquer those fears and charge ahead into life.
During the interview Doug asked me to talk about my background growing up in the woodlands of Michigan. He explained that he is from New Jersey and not much of a country boy. We found it interesting how where we grew up reflects some innate fears of the opposite life style.
We discussed how some of my own fears are reflected in my novel, Day After Disaster and how the writing process encouraged me to start finding ways to conquer my own fears. There are all types of disasters that can befall an individual, not just natural disasters but personal ones as well. Thinking through these scenarios and becoming as mentally and physically prepared before hand can give us the confidence we need to master the fear and emotions that come hand-in hand with a disaster scenarios.
Doug highlighted the fact that there are big and small fears that we deal with everyday and how I have discussed in the past that your mindset is generated by your feelings and not your circumstance. This is exactly right, life is 10% circumstance and 90% how you deal with it. No one can make you feel a certain way. You feel that way because you allow yourself to feel that way and there is only one person who can change it, you.
So how do we change it? I introduced some specific acronyms that I use and reflect in my novel to help everyone overcome their fears. One of my favorites is from James Hart's book Wilderness and Urban Survival, Emergency Preparedness. Although it comes from a survival manual it is a tool that should be applied to daily life: just STOP!
- S - stop moving, sit down and relax.
- T - think clearly and positively
- O - Observe your surrounding and others around you
- P - Plan a course of action
- S - Size up your situation
- U - Use your senses. What do you see, hear, smell, feel, taste?
- R - Remember where you are and don't rely upon others to do it for you.
- V - Vanquish fear and panic. Use STOP.
- I - Improvise, what do you have on hand to use?
- V- Value living, don't give up.
- A - Act like a native, blend in.
- L - Live by your wits but for now learn your basic skills.
Sara F. Hathaway

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